Writers Building Websites

Writers Building Websites

Create a Contact Thank You Page for Your Author Website

Build a dedicated contact thank you page to reassure readers, set clear expectations, and boost engagement, enhancing your overall author platform.

Last Updated: 13 December 2024


To build our contact funnel we are going to start at the end and work our way back. The final page visitors will see when they contact us via our author website should be a dedicated Thank You page. 

What a contact thank you page does for authors

This page does a few jobs for us.

  1. It tells the visitor their form has been successfully submitted. Most form builders, including Breakdance, have the option to display a thank you message on the same page the form was submitted but that can be easy to miss resulting in repeat submissions from a frustrated visitor annoyed at having to enter the same information again.
  2. It thanks the visitor for contacting the author. 
  3. It sets expectations when and what kind of response the visitor will get from the author.
  4. If offers to engage the visitor with links to blog posts, social channels and books on offer from the author.

This page is capable of a lot. It’s true that a number of visitors will see the confirmation their message has been sent and click away but others will take action prompted by a page too many authors leave out of their websites.

Build the Page

This is a straight forward, 3 section page. We’ll start by going to the WordPress menu and from the admin sidebar I’ll click on PAGES > ALL PAGES.

I’ll go to the TY Contact page I created in an earlier module and click on edit and then ‘Edit in Breakdance’

Slim Hero Section

  • With the Breakdance editor open I’ll add a new SECTION and name it HERO SECTION. As always you don’t have to name the sections but I find it makes life easier if I may not come back to update a page for a few weeks or months. If it ain’t broke why try to fix it?
  • I want to make this page tight and focused so I’ll go to the design tab and choose the Slim Hero Section Preset. 
  • I’m going to give the section a H2 header
  • Change the Text to ‘Thank you!’

The header can be H2 because I’m not trying to rank this page on search engines. 

  • Next I’ll add a text element setting expectations of what happens next.
    • Thank you for getting in touch. I appreciate you taking the time to reach out. Here’s what you can expect next:
    • 📬 I or one of the team will review your message and get back to you within 24-48 hours.
    • 🤝 You’ll get personalized assistance tailored to your inquiry or feedback.
    • 🌐 We will make every effort possible to get you access to the resources or information you may have requested.

I’m using bullets points here to keep this as snappy as possible while still trying to convey Dirk’s friendly tone.

Stay Connected Section

Now I want to add another section this time to encourage the visitor to engage with the blog and Dirk’s social channels.

  • Add another section
  • Choose the Slim Section Preset
  • Add a H3 Heading
  • Change text to Stay Connected!
  • Add a Rich Text element (we need it for the links)
  • Change text to…


While you wait, feel free to explore my Blog for the latest updates, or connect with me on Facebook, X, and Instagram.

Thank you again for getting in touch.

Warm regards,

Dirk Volcano


But this can be anything.

You may have a specific campaign to build your newsletter, promote a new release or encourage visitors to your website to purchase a box set. Whatever your preferred promotion is it can be added to this section.

Other Books Section

The final section here is to promote Dirk’s latest releases. This page is not going to generate thousands of sales a day, or even a month BUT it costs nothing to add this section and it will generate SOME sales you may have otherwise missed.

  • Add a new section
  • Preset the design to Wide Section

We want to keep this section wide to show off the selection of books.

  • I’ll add another H3 header
  • Change the Text to latest releases
  • Add a Post Loop Builder
  • Choose the Other Books Max Global Block
  • Edit the custom query
    • Post Types is Books
    • Posts per page is 3
    • Order by Descending Date
    • Apply Query
  • Choose the Book Grid Design Preset

I’ll click save and exit to the front end to see the page in the browser.

that’s the Thank You page for the contact form done.


Thank you pages for contact forms are in no-one’s top 10 things to do list. However, as you’ve seen in this lesson they are straightforward to set up, help build the author’s relationship with readers and can be used to increase sales.

There is no downside to adding a Contact Thank You page to your website.

Stephen Gordon
Stephen is the founder of Writers Building Websites and brings over a decade of experience as a freelance marketer specialising in publishing. He is also an author.


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